
November 04, 2003

Back to the Future

Communication, Collaboration and Technology: Back to the Future: a new whitepaper, co-authored by Ray Ozzie and Peter O'Kelly.

To build better products for communication and collaboration, we need to get back to basics -- to revisit the ways in which people actually communicate and collaborate in the real world, to factor in the opportunities presented by computing and networking technology, and to then design products that embody the best of both worlds. It's fundamentally important for software products to directly support the communication and collaboration patterns and dynamics people naturally use, rather than just dealing with subsets of the problem space and leaving integration up to unsuspecting and overwhelmed individuals and organizations. We need to go back to the future, to recapture the early enthusiasm for how communication and collaboration technologies can augment interpersonal interaction while avoiding the limitations that have constrained earlier collaborative software products.
Of course this is "vendor pitch", but the central message is a wish for standardization, and a middleware platform, around things which Groove users sometimes take for granted. It's also an indictment of what passes for state-of-the-art technology these days. For example, just having no easy or secure way to coordinate data on multiple PCs (work desktop, work laptop, home) without struggling with the mechanics of file transfer.