
September 20, 2003

Hours of fun

(thanks Ned): the braindump-extraordinare weblog of Eric Lippert, Microsoft scripting guru. Already he has articles about parentheses in VBScript, JScript's anonymous functions (as well as functions-called-'anonymous') and closures, and the garbage collectors. and lots more in the same vein. Impressive stuff.

Hey Eric - how about some JScript.NET too already? Is it really the strict-typing-religion bunkum-fueled stewpot, designed by a mendacious standards-busting committee of locust-brained CLR troglodytes, that it appears to this uninformed observer? What are the big compromises in having a dynamic, functional language atop the CLR? What about all those non-ECMA extensions? Is JScript.NET just a road to lead people onto the (very)straight and (ever so)narrow?

. . o o O ( sorry about that. I have the flu or something... (-_-))