
June 27, 2002


Following the lead of Disenchanted and Mark Pilgrim: the backlinks in the left (below the calendar: another nice and easy-to-use Movable Type feature) are implemented with a perl script from Waxy.org.

I'm a perl newbie, so my main criteria were (a) that I could read, understand, and if necessary hack with the code, and (b) ease of install. My index template (.shtml, to enable server-side includes) calls out to a clone of that Waxy cgi. Weirdly, my $document = $ENV{DOCUMENT_NAME}; always seems to return nullstring (any ideas why that is?), so I'm not yet backlinking to individual documents, only to this weblog homepage.
Even without that, I could pass a "page name" parameter to the cgi, and have each archive page update the backlink list for itself and also for the whole site. More experimentation required.

The end result is neat, and quite enlightening. Hey, a few people do read this. Following blogrolling links is double-hit goodness: better than bookmarks, more exporatory (although less all-inclusive) than using an RSS aggregator, and nicely group-forming.